The New Leftist Lawyers

Source: The Bleeding Heart Libertarian
by Matt Zwolinski

“The Law and Political Economy (LPE) movement started at Yale Law School back around 2017. … LPE is based on the belief that we are facing multiple, interconnected crises: rising inequality, environmental disaster, worker instability, threats to democracy, and more. According to LPE, these crises were caused or made worse by the ‘neoliberal’ policies of the late 20th century. Those policies, in turn, were supported by key legal ideas like economic efficiency, neutrality, and formal equality. LPE rejects all of this and aims to replace the neoliberal paradigm with one that focuses on equality, democracy, and social justice. The LPE movement is still small, in absolute terms. But its influence on legal ideas is spreading.” (10/21/24)