Five Factors That Make This Election the Most Important Ever

Source: Town Hall
by Scott Morefield

“Last week, I wrote about the factors that make some elections more important than others. This week, I’d like to make the case that the upcoming election is the most important of our lifetimes, perhaps even in the history of this Republic. I ended the previous column by bringing up the strong case for 2016, especially because Donald Trump could turn the Supreme Court completely in a conservative direction. However, the more we consider the structural changes Democrats have proposed of late, the more critical future elections become. These people are playing for keeps, so we are forced to do the same or lose everything. Here are the factors that make 2024 so critical: Supreme Court … Immigration … Statehood for places that vote Democratic … Election integrity … Senate Filibuster …” [editor’s note: I truncated the piece so you know the “factors;” click the link to read the details, which are well presented – SAT] (10/21/24)