What Do “Good Schools” Look Like? It Depends on What Parents Want

Source: Foundation for Economic Education
by Kerry McDonald

“I often hear people in the education world, especially those who are more rooted in traditional schooling models, express concern about the ‘quality’ and ‘outcomes’ of the innovative schools and spaces now emerging. ‘How do we know these are ‘good’ schools with high academic achievement and strong outcomes for students?’ they’ll ask. My response is always some version of this: ‘We’ don’t have to know. It’s the parents who decide whether or not their children’s schools are ‘good’ — however they define that. For some parents, a ‘good’ school might be a forest school where their children are outside all day stomping in the mud. For other parents, a ‘good’ school might follow Common Core curriculum standards to a tee, with regular standardized testing. We all have diverse preferences, values, and needs.” (06/27/24)
