Pulitzer Prize for Commentary goes to jailed Russian opposition leader Vladimir Kara-Murza

Source: United Press International

“Jailed Russian dissident Vladimir Kara-Murza was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for Commentary for his columns written for The Washington Post criticizing the war in Ukraine and the crackdown on democracy and free speech. The $15,000 prize went to the 42-year-old politician, author and historian for ‘passionate columns written under great personal risk from his prison cell, warning of the consequences of dissent in Vladimir Putin’s Russia and insisting on a democratic future for his country,’ the Pulitzer board said in an announcement. The winning work comprised seven columns all published between January and June of 2023 written from his prison cell after being imprisoned the previous year on charges of treason and spreading fake news about the war for which he was sentenced to 25 years.” (05/07/24)
