Russian, Chinese forces fly joint air patrols near US for first time

Source: Financial Times [UK]

“Russia and China have flown a joint strategic bomber patrol near Alaska for the first time, highlighting the growing scale and capability of a military partnership that has raised growing concern among the US and among its allies. US and Canadian fighter jets detected, tracked and intercepted two Russian TU-95 and two Chinese H-6 aircraft late on Wednesday, according to the North American Aerospace Defense Command (Norad), under which the US and Canada jointly operate satellites, radars and fighters. Norad said the four bombers did not enter US or Canadian airspace but operated in the Alaskan air defence identification zone and did not present a threat.” (07/25/24)

Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock, 07/24/24

Source: Freedom’s Phoenix

“Chip, longtime friend and somewhat of a firearms expert, comes on the show to discuss the Trump assassination attempt, ATF’s apparent gun registry (which is unlawful, but hey….), etc.” (07/24/24)