Skills for the Modern World

Source: David Friedman’s Substack
by David Friedman

“The world has changed quite a lot in the last few decades, largely due to computer technology. One result is that there are now important skills that did not matter or mattered less in the past, skills that the previous generation mostly did not learn, this generation should. This post is an attempt to list as many as I, with some assistance from others, can think of. Commenters are invited to add more.” (01/24/25)

The Complex Reality Behind Spain’s Economic Growth

Source: Foundation for Economic Education
by Mark Nayler

“Late last year, The Economist magazine declared Spain’s economy the best in the world. Key indicators forecast a strong 2024: expected GDP expansion of 3%, which would comfortably beat the EU, US, and UK (though the data for the last quarter of 2024 have yet to be published); unemployment, always a problem in Spain, down to its lowest since 2007; and a 3% reduction in public debt. Spanish finance minister Maria Jesus Montero attributed the ranking to the success of the Socialist government’s policies of Pedro Sanchez, claiming: ‘[W]e are growing, creating jobs, expanding rights and reducing our public deficit.’ According to Montero, Spain’s GDP performance in 2024 was directly due to actions taken by the country’s government. But Montero’s claim oversimplifies the connection between government policies and economic growth.” (01/24/25)

SC: Last loose monkey returns to research lab

Source: United Press International

“The last of 43 escaped monkeys has returned to the Alpha Genesis research lab in Yemassee, S.C., nearly three months after an attendant accidentally left two doors unsecured. The Rhesus Macaque monkey returned to the facility Friday and was in good condition, WCSC reported. The facility is about 95 miles west of Charleston. The monkey’s return was confirmed by Alpha Genesis Chief Executive Officer Greg Westergaard. The primates on the night of Nov. 6 escaped from their confines at the Alpha Genesis facility in Beaufort County but remained close to the facility. Alpha Genesis officials said the monkeys did not pose a danger to the local community and were staying on and near the facility’s grounds.” (01/25/25)

The Biggest

Source: Common Sense
by Paul Jacob

“Trump’s riding high, in the first week of his second term — but not regarding the biggest problem he faces, inflation and economic instability. ‘When bondholders don’t see a credible fiscal path to be repaid for current and future government debt,’ writes Veronique de Rugy at Reason, ‘they expect that eventually the central bank will create new money to buy those government bonds, leading to higher inflation. Recent inflation wasn’t just about money supply; it reflected the market’s adjustment to unsustainable fiscal policy.’ Winning, for Trump, cannot equate to Spending.” (01/24/25)