How Ukraine can Survive Without America

Source: Washington Monthly
by Mike Lofgren

“[In 1939] Czech president Emil Hacha was summoned to Berlin, where Adolf Hitler and his foreign minister, Joachim von Ribbentrop, threatened him in tag team fashion: hand over your country to us, or we will bomb it to rubble. The main difference between Trump’s and Vance’s behavior is that they demanded Zelensky deliver Ukraine to a third country, Vladimir Putin’s Russia. That might appear to be the beginning of the end of Ukraine’s brave resistance against the neo-imperialism of Russia, just as Czechoslovakia, abandoned by Britain and France, disappeared into the darkness. But this is a potential illusion fostered by American parochialism, a self-centered and provincial view of the world that is held, above all, by right-wingers who believe the rest of the world only exists at our sufferance, but to some degree also by many liberals who oppose them.” (03/06/25)