Joseph Warren’s Final Oration: Against Standing Armies and Arbitrary Power

Source: Tenth Amendment Center
by Michael Boldin

‘Act worthy of yourselves.’ That’s how the great patriot and Revolutionary War hero Dr. Joseph Warren urged the people to commemorate the Boston Massacre, which happened today in history – March 5, 1770. In the face of a standing army occupier – and direct threats to his own life – Warren pressed the people to stand firm for liberty in the face of the mighty British Empire, ‘until tyranny is trodden under foot.’ The Massacre in Boston did a great deal to solidify opposition to arbitrary, centralized power – and permanent standing armies. For many years, it was commemorated as a solemn public holiday in Boston, with speeches from prominent patriots like John Hancock, James Lovell and others. Joseph Warren delivered the oration in 1772 – and was the only person ever chosen to give the speech a second time, on March 6, 1775.” (03/05/25)