Source: The Price of Liberty
by Nathan Barton
“The longer Ukraine does not negotiate a peace with Russia – and one that does not make it a puppet of either Russia or NATO – the more destruction the people and property of Ukraine will endure. And the more bitter both the ethnic and national Russians and the Ukrainians will become. Bitter? Yes, like Israelis and Arabs in/around Palestine are bitter and vengeful. The more carnage, the more devastation, and ultimately, the more likely for corrupt tyrannical government in Ukraine to go totalitarian in every way. To us, it appears that their model is indeed Uncle Adolph’s Dritte Reich and frankly, Uncle Joe (Stalin’s) Soviet Communism. As Professor Meirsheimer predicted, Ukraine has been wrecked. Courtesy of the West, even if they used the Russians to do it. It is time for peace, and for rebuilding.” (03/03/25)