Source: Persuasion
by Jeffery Tyler Syck
“For most of us, the image of the first American Thanksgiving is an oddly vivid one: Pilgrims in their Puritanical garb sitting down to a massive feast with their Native American allies. Recently, historians have relished pointing out the severe inaccuracies and contradictions of this common picture …. Yet our idyllic imaginings are more revealing than they are often given credit for. If nothing else, they help to capture the image Puritan settlers had of themselves — a peaceful people journeying to a new world to establish a selfless, god-loving community. At the heart of this vision lay a conception of human liberty as a communal project that disentangles us from our selfish impulses. Our modern age of social media vanity projects and mass reactionary movements could learn a lot from the Puritans’ vision — and from why it ultimately failed.” (02/26/25)