The American right needs to cut out the vice-signalling

Source: spiked
by Brendan O’Neill

“So having voted out the virtue-signallers, now the good people of America must suffer the vice-signallers? Take Steve Bannon’s salute at CPAC. We all know what he was up to. He was triggering the libs and titillating the Very Online right. It was a massive troll designed to get the CNN crowd fuming and the ironic fascists of X chuckling. So 77million US voters say a firm No to the eccentric ideologies of the faux-virtuous liberal elite, only to see them replaced by the eccentric antics of vice-flirting conservatives? Great. … there’s something more than cultural goading going on here. Bannon’s knowing ‘wave’ also speaks to a crisis of normalcy on sections of the American right. It sometimes feels as though the freaks of political correctness have been replaced by the freaks of political incorrectness.” (02/25/25)