The Obvious Inefficiency of Elon Musk’s New Order

Source: The Atlantic
by Conor Friedersdorf

“Consider America’s roughly 14,000 Federal Aviation Administration air traffic controllers. If each of them spends just 10 minutes opening their work email, finding this request, drafting a response, proofreading it, and sending it off, that adds up to 2,333 hours of work. Can you think of a more cartoonish example of government waste than using 292 workdays’ worth of man-hours to clarify that, last week, air traffic controllers monitored airplanes? I actually can think of a more cartoonish example, in that it is even bigger in scale: Some 74,000 U.S. Postal Service letter carriers deliver mail on foot, making roughly $29 an hour on average. If they spend 10 minutes each, or 740,000 total minutes, drafting emails, that works out to nearly $360,000 in labor costs. For what? And how long will it take other workers to read ‘I was delivering letters’ 74,000 times?” (02/24/25)