Before Crackpot RFKism There Was Crackpot Lysenkoism

Source: The Bulwark
by Gabriel Schoenfeld

“Lysenko — a crackpot with the power of the Soviet state behind him — was the recipient of numerous awards, including, on eight occasions, the Order of Lenin, and on three occasions, the Stalin Prize. Lysenko died of natural causes in 1976. This history of massive state-sponsored scientific fraud is pertinent to Trump’s attempt to install [Robert F. Kennedy Jr.] to the highest-ranking healthcare position in the U.S. government. The secretary of health and human services has oversight of everything from food safety to medical research to private health insurance to epidemiology to Medicare and Medicaid and much, much more. Like Lysenko, RFK Jr. has departed from science even as he claims its mantle.” (01/03/25)