Source: Garrison Center
by Thomas L Knapp
“[The war in Ukraine] is, and always has been, about whether poor, politically corrupt — but resource-rich, and geographically located in ways that maximize its strategic importance — Ukraine will go forward as the US/EU/NATO imperial satrapy it became in 2014, or revert to its former status as a Russian imperial satrapy. In other words, it’s about profits for Rome on the Potomac versus profits for Constantinople on the Moskva. An odd bifurcation: Whenever I point this fact out on X, I’m accused of being ‘pro-Russia.’ Whenever I point this fact out on a site where I frequently comment, I’m accused of being ‘pro-US/EU/NATO.’ But I’m going to stick to my guns — pardon the militaristic turn of phrase — on this one. There are no ‘good guys’ at the policy level here.” (12/26/24)