The Dictator Whom Trump Resembles That No One Is Talking About

Source: The UnPopulist
by Henri J Barkey

“Trump has not concealed his admiration for populist authoritarians worldwide. He has gone out of his way to praise and laud ‘strong leaders,’ such as Russia’s Vladimir Putin—whom he admired for ‘being able to kill whoever,’ calling him a ‘genius.’ And he’s on record noting that Hungary’s Viktor Orban has ‘made some smart decisions we could learn from in the United States,’ adding that there’s no one ‘smarter or a better leader’ than the Hungarian strongman. Much has been written about Trump’s parallels with these two leaders. But there is another strongman whom Trump could turn to for inspiration who has not received nearly as much attention: Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey’s president since 2014.” (10/26/24)