The genius of Trump’s McDonald’s stunt

Source: spiked
by Jenny Holland

“Looking back on previous presidential campaigns, it suddenly seems shocking that no other candidate ever thought to don an apron, stand at a drive-thru window and ask, ‘Do you want fries with that?.’ All politicians pander, of course – kissing babies, eating corn dogs at state fairs, rolling up sleeves on factory floors. But nothing in American culture says ‘humble everyman’ like working the French fries station at a McDonald’s. As far as I can tell, Donald Trump has been the first candidate to do it. His 30-minute ‘shift’ at a Pennsylvania McDonald’s on Sunday has since dominated the political discourse – and for good reason. What a stroke of campaigning genius. Trump played the role to perfection, coming across as warm and friendly, and not taking himself too seriously.” (10/22/24)