The Political Show Must, Apparently, Go On … But Don’t Forget It’s Just a Show

Source: Garrison Center
by Thomas L Knapp

“‘Politics,’ political consultant Bill Miller told (reminded?) us in 1991, ‘is show business for ugly people.’ The last couple of weeks of a presidential election cycle always put that timeless truth on steroids, especially but not only when one of the candidates is a billionaire former ‘reality TV’ star whose idea of closing the deal is having himself filmed looking befuddled by the process of donning an apron (someone else eventually tied it for him) before glad-handing a few carefully selected ‘customers’ at a (closed) McDonald’s  in a desperate attempt to generate ‘regular guy’ vibes. That candidate’s major party opponent could have used a few weeks of intensive training with a drama coach to help her move beyond carefully curated answers to softball questions and cackles on cue.” (10/22/24)