FIREHOSE FRIDAY (w/ Year-End Fundraiser Update)

Hey, everyone …

It’s a FIREHOSE FRIDAY at the the freedom movement’s daily newspaper. We’re “web-only” with more than 100 news stories, opinion pieces, and audio/video links — far too many for a regular daily email/social media edition.

THANK YOU to supporters CS and AT! Their donations yesterday, totaling $40, bring our year-end fundraiser total (as of 6am Eastern time on Friday, October 18) to $602!

Our goal is $5,351. Once we’ve raised half that — $2,675.50 — supporter GL has pledged to “match funds” and get us to the finish line.


We have to get to that $2,675.50 mark first. Please push our “fundraising thermometer” up with your best donation at:

As of this coming December 23, we’ll have been publishing as Rational Review News Digest for 22 years — and other other labels (Freedom News Daily and Libernet) for nearly 30. It’s a labor of love, but we also have to eat.

We’re a reader-supported publication, and you are readers — some of you for many years, maybe even from the beginning. If we could knock down a dollar a month from each of you, we’d never have to run these year-end fundraisers. In fact, we’d be bringing in FAR more than this annual fundraising goal.

And guess what? Sending us one dollar a month (billed quarterly to reduce the impact of PayPal fees) IS AN OPTION at:

There are other options, including various monthly levels and “one-time” donations.

Additional bonus: Once we reach our goal, I stop talking about money entirely for the rest of the year, and mostly until the following October. If you get as tired of me talking about money as I get of talking about money, shut me up at:

Have a great weekend, and we’ll be back with the regular email/social media editions on Monday!

Yours in liberty,
Tom Knapp
Rational Review News Digest / Freedom News Daily