What is The Right?

Source: David Friedman’s Substack
by David Friedman

“Libertarians used to be, to some extent still are, viewed as an element in the conservative coalition, hence right wing, and I am a libertarian. One result is that when I see some faction somewhere described as right wing my instinctive reaction is positive. That is still true if it is described as far right or radical right. If right is defined as in favor of the free market and opposed to government power, if Barry Goldwater was right and Lyndon Johnson left in the first presidential election that I had any involvement in — I was too young to vote but not too young to campaign for Goldwater and lament his defeat in verse — then a libertarian anarchist is about as far right, and as radical, as it is possible to be. That is not the only thing that ‘right’ can mean.” (10/17/24)
