The Blob Blames Its Victims

Source: The American Conservative
by Doug Bandow

“One of the symptoms of working in Washington, D.C. is the tendency to believe one’s own press releases. That is especially the case in foreign policy. Members of the infamous blob, from the president on down, are convinced of their own virtue and indispensability. As President Joe Biden infamously declared a couple months ago, he was busy ‘running the world.’ He is only following precedent. … Elliott Abrams of the Council on Foreign Relations was recently shocked, even scandalized, to discover that Palestinians are not fans of Washington. Who knew? Abrams, a card-carrying blob member, criticized Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas for telling the Turkish parliament, ‘America is the plague, and the plague is America.’ Worse, Abrams complained, the U.S. was nevertheless providing financial aid to the victims of its policies.” (10/17/24)