Trump’s Failing “Memory”

Source: The Dispatch
by Kevin D Williamson

“‘Memory,’ the big show-stopper from Cats, is a Trump favorite. It is the song that aides play for Trump when he is having a temper tantrum and needs to be calmed down like the senescent toddler he is. … ‘Memory’ is a song sung by Grizabella, an old, worn-out cat at the end of her life, who had once been beautiful and glamorous before sinking into a life of destitution and … prostitution. … he had been a genuine celebrity, too, and a glamorous cat, in his way. Today, he is a felon, back to hawking Bibles and crypto and other low-rent scams …. His base of support is a personality cult composed of rubes and marks of precisely the kind he always has held in plain contempt, while the sort of people he always has aspired to associate himself with — think of Taylor Swift — are disgusted by him.” (10/16/24)