On the Murder of My Sister and Israel’s War on Hope

Source: Antiwar.com
by Ramzy Baroud

“‘Your lives will continue. With new events and new faces. They are the faces of your children who will fill your homes with noise and laughter.’ These were the last words written by my sister in a text message to one of her daughters. Dr. Soma Baroud was murdered on Oct. 9, when Israeli warplanes bombed a taxi that carried her and other tired Gazans near the Bani Suhaila roundabout close to Khan Yunis. … Even as local news reported her death, I refused to believe it. I continued to call. ‘Please pick up, Soma, please pick up,’ I begged. Only when a video emerged of white body bags arriving at Nasser Hospital did I think that maybe my sister was indeed gone.” (10/16/24)
