The One Who Will Not Give His Consent

Source: The Dispatch
by Kevin D Williamson

“One of the dumbest complaints I hear 1,838 times a day goes roughly like this: ‘You say Trump is a would-be tyrant, a moron, a monster of moral depravity — which means that you’re saying that the people who support him, half the country, are idiots and moral miscreants and fools.’ Yes, that’s right. That’s exactly what I am saying. It doesn’t necessarily follow that I’m saying that, of course — you could make a pretty good case that Trump supporters are just stuck in a corner and that they aren’t all morally culpable and entirely willing participants in a pageant of stupidity and cruelty. But that’s not my case. My case is that these people should be ashamed of themselves, that a self-respecting society wouldn’t allow such a specimen as Lindsey Graham to vote, much less to serve in the Senate.” (10/14/24)