Four Big Myths about the Election, part 2

Source: Yascha Mounk
by Yascha Mounk

“Myth 3: There Are No Swing Voters …. about half of this electorate is not genuinely persuadable: While they don’t love either of the candidates, they acknowledge that there’s one of the two that they can’t imagine voting for; asked about past voting behavior, it turns out that, if they vote at all, they reliably supported the other candidate’s party. Let’s call them ‘fake swing voters.’ But the other half of this electorate is different. These voters say that they really are open to voting for either candidate. Their past voting behavior tends to tell the same story: these are the kinds of voters who may have voted for Obama in 2012, for Trump in 2016, and for Biden in 2020 — or, for that matter, for Romney in 2012, for Clinton in 2016, and for Trump in 2020.” (10/11/24)