Donald Trump’s Plan B

Source: The Bulwark
by Dennis Aftergut

“Running alongside Trump’s out-in-the-open campaign is the political Plan B that he and his allies are quite clearly pursuing. It’s a strategy that we can piece together from reliable reporting and Trump’s own ever-escalating unhinged threats and rants. It involves setting the stage right now for trying to overturn the vote if he loses so he can grab power anyway. … There’s a method to his madness. Trump and his allies are (1) softening the public’s belief in the legitimacy of election results ahead of time by hammering the message that the election will be rigged; (2) abusing the courts with pre-election lawsuits as a launching pad for the claim that he was the real winner; and (3) inciting anger among his followers — including perhaps armed militants eager to turn to violence — should he suffer election defeat.” (10/10/24)