Right-Wingers Can’t Accept Reality on Immigration

Source: Future of Freedom Foundation
by Jacob G Hornberger

“American right-wing supporters of America’s system of immigration controls love to exclaim that President Biden has adopted a policy of ‘open borders,’ by which Biden, they say, has knowingly, intentionally, and deliberately ‘let in’ millions of illegal immigrants. … the Biden administration has left intact longtime immigration police-state measures, such as warrantless searches of ranches and farms along and near the border, fixed highway checkpoints, roving Border Patrol checkpoints, boarding of Greyhound buses to check people’s papers, the criminalization of hiring, transporting, harboring, and caring for illegal immigrants, violent raids on American businesses, Donald Trump’s Berlin Wall, military troops at the border, and thousands of Border Patrol and ICE agents. That’s what passes for ‘open borders’ within the minds of right-wingers who support America’s decades-old immigration-control system and the immigration police-state that comes with it.” (10/08/24)
