US military draft sign-ups plunge in two years

Source: Responsible Statecraft
by Edward Hasbrouck

“Of men in the U.S. who turned 18 in 2023, fewer than 40% signed up for the draft — down from more than 60% in 2020 before the start of the war in Ukraine. This eye-popping and previously undisclosed admission, as well as other revelations equally damning to plans to increase readiness to activate a draft, was included in documents released recently by the Selective Service System (SSS) in response to a Freedom Of Information Act request. The SSS is maintains a database of eligible male citizens who could be conscripted if and when Congress and the president institute a draft. Per the law, American males must register within 30 days of their 18th birthday or find it difficult to get a drivers license in some states.” [editor’s note: Both of my kids got postcards “thanking” them for “registering” … even though they hadn’t. They’ve been automating it over time – TLK] (10/08/24)