Our Official Enemies

Source: Future of Freedom Foundation
by Jacob G Hornberger

“Whenever I see the vehement anti-Russia sentiment that pervades American society, I can’t help but think about Muhammad Ali. After Ali announced that he would not comply with the U.S. government’s draft notice, which almost certainly would have meant that he would have been sent to Vietnam to kill Vietcong, Ali stated, ‘I ain’t got no quarrel with them Vietcong.’ Oh boy, his refusal to comply with the draft was bad enough, but to announce that he had no quarrel with a group that the U.S. national-security establishment had decreed was an official enemy of the United States only added fuel to the fire. … they went after him with a vengeance, trying not only to destroy his reputation and career but also to have him jailed for the next several years of his life. But Ali had a good point.” (10/07/24)
