Look to neighbors, not government

Source: Eastern New Mexico News
by Kent McManigal

“My sympathy goes out to everyone affected by Hurricane Helene and its aftermath. It’s easy for those of us who live far from the ocean, or any water whatsoever, to feel smug for living where hurricanes don’t reach. If this is how you feel, remember it’s a false sense of security. Every area has its own problems and potential disasters. Tornadoes, wildfires, blizzards, riots, or earthquakes … and sometimes a smorgasbord of all the above. Figure out your region’s most likely disaster and prepare for it. And the others as well. Even preparing for the trouble a hurricane can cause in an area like this, where hurricanes are as likely as elephant stampedes, will carry over to other problems you may experience. So many precautions are the same no matter the emergency.” (10/06/24)
