Year-End Fundraiser Update

Hey, everyone …

We’ve put together a short “weekend special edition” — five news stories, 10 opinion pieces, five audio/video links — for you this morning. Why? Oh, you know why.

THANK YOU to supporters and subscribing donors T, RW, and DZ! Their contributions yesterday, totaling $147, bring our annual fundraiser total (as of 6am on Saturday, October 5) to $267!

That’s only $5.50 shy of 10% toward our goal — $5,351! And no, my math isn’t off. Because supporter GL has generously offered to “match funds” for half of the total, we only need to raise $2,675.50 to wrap this thing up.

Our “mini-goal” is to hit the halfway point — $1,337.75 — by Monday. We’re $1,070.75 short. Please help us get there at:

Best wishes to our readers who are still getting back on your feet after Hurricane Helene’s recent visit to the southeast US. My household, and my local area (Gainesville, Florida), got off a bit easier than many places, but I’m sure I’ll see significant remnants of the damage today on a motorcycle ride to visit with friends a little closer to the Gulf coast. Hopefully those of you whose areas dodged this one are enjoying a healthy and prosperous weekend! We’ll be back Monday with the full-size edition of the freedom movement’s daily newspaper.

Yours in liberty,
Tom Knapp
Rational Review News Digest / Freedom News Daily