Hooray for Price-Gouging, Boo for Monopoly

Source: The Dispatch
by Kevin D Williamson

“There isn’t really any such thing as price gouging in an ordinary market — as long as buyers have the option of saying, ‘No,’ sellers do not have the unilateral ability to set prices — and I don’t know whether [Kamala] Harris talks that way because she is an economic ignoramus or because the monopoly that really worries Democrats is the one Republicans are trying to establish in the market for imbecilic populist horse pucky. … Thing is, I could use some price-gouging right about now. Like a lot of people in my particular neck of the woods, my family got a ‘boil water’ notice on Monday — flooding from hurricane rains caused water-quality issues. … Right now, there’s not so much as a stray bottle of Dasani in the cooler by the registers at the local Home Depot.” (10/02/24)
