It’s Time For Our Once-Yearly Fundraiser …

… so please, if you find value in the freedom movement’s daily newspaper, return some of that value as support at:

For some years now, we’ve set our annual goal at $5,150. Nothing intrinsically special about that number, it was just a fun marketing point between $5,000 and $5,500.

Inflation being what it is, we’re finally raising the bar a little. Our goal THIS year is $5,351. Nothing intrinsically special about THAT number either, except that I didn’t want to go to $5,500 and happen to really like prime numbers.

Also for some years now, reader/supporter GregL has “matched funds” for 50% of our goal — IF we make that first 50%. He’s doing so again this year … which means we only need to raise $2675.50 to get where we’re trying to go.

Time for that URL again (you’ll be seeing it frequently until we reach the goal):

One of my standard talking points for the year-end fundraiser is that if every reader donated a whopping $1 per month, we wouldn’t have to do the year-end fundraiser anymore.

Guess what? We have a $1 per month option! It’s called the “The Buck Starts Here Club.” It is billed quarterly — $3 every three months, total of $12 per year or $1 per month. Doing it quarterly keeps PayPal fees from eating up most of the money before it even gets to us.

You can find the “The Buck Starts Here Club,” along with other monthly, one-time, and cryptocurrency options, etc. at:

We do this once a year, folks — and if we make our goal early, you stop hearing about money for the rest of the year, and very rarely until following October!

I won’t ask you to give until it hurts … but I will ask you to give because you like what we provide and want to help us keep it coming. That URL, one last time:

Have a great day!

Yours in liberty,
Tom Knapp
Rational Review News Digest / Freedom News Daily