MLB in Oakland Dies as Billionaire Owner Cashes in on Vegas Taxpayers

Source: Independent Institute
by Craig Eyermann

“Thursday, September 26, 2024, marked the end of a 56-year-long era for fans of the Oakland A’s. The Major League Baseball team played their last game at the Oakland Coliseum. It’s a bitter and sad time for the team’s fans, who have been subjected to manipulation and abuse by the team’s billionaire owner, John Fisher. Since buying the team in 2005 and especially since becoming its sole owner in 2016, Fisher has practiced what many would characterize as a form of rent-seeking. As sportswriter Jeff Passan said, ‘The Oakland A’s were killed by greed.’ The final pages of the story of major league baseball in Oakland, California, were written by Fisher’s attempts to have taxpayers finance a new stadium for the team.” (09/27/24)