Source: Garrison Center
by Thomas L Knapp
“Voting’s not really good for much if freedom is the criterion, and not even especially effective at lightening our burdens — we’re each more likely to win the lottery than to cast the deciding vote in any sizable election. But that doesn’t make voting immoral. Voting is the expression of a preference among limited options within a political system shaped and constrained by force. The system is immoral. The options within that system are usually mostly immoral (though voting against a new tax might not be). Your preferences from among those options may be immoral too. But stating your preferences (even between equally immoral options) is not, as such, immoral. It’s just … speech! If I hold a gun to your head and a knife to your throat and ask you how you want to die, the immorality is mine for forcing that choice on you, not yours for choosing.” (09/19/24)