Hillary Clinton, queen of disinformation, issues two-faced call for censorship

Source: JimBovard.com
by James Bovard

“Amidst all the shocks of the 2024 presidential race, who expected Hillary Clinton to ride in like Joan of Arc to rescue truth — or at least to call for the crushing of government critics? On Monday, Hillary declared on Rachel Maddow’s MSNBC talk show that the federal government should criminally prosecute Americans who share ‘propaganda’ — which she made no effort to define. Hillary has long been one of America’s foremost censorship advocates. In 2022, she wailed that ‘tech platforms have amplified disinformation and extremism with no accountability’ and endorsed European Union legislation to obliterate free speech. But as we’ve seen, ‘disinformation’ is often simply the lag time between the government pronouncing something a falsehood and the government getting debunked.” (09/18/24)
