The Philosophy that Framed the Constitution

Source: Libertarian Institute
by Dan Sanchez

“[T]he founders had just led a Revolutionary War to protect the rights of Americans from Great Britain, which they considered to have become a tyranny. The justification of that Revolution was articulated in the Declaration of Independence (‘whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it’) and informed by the provisions in Locke’s Treatises for the ‘dissolution’ of tyrannical governments. The framers of the Constitution did not want the new government they were creating to become tyrannical either. So they tried to guard against that by structuring it in a way that limited its power and thus reduced the likelihood that it would be corrupted by power.” [editor’s note: The framers structured the Constitution to undo the Revolution and put the pre-war planter/merchant aristocracy — themselves — back in charge – TLK] (09/18/24)