US to bring troops home from Iraq, but why not from Syria, too?

Source: Responsible Statecraft
by Christopher Mott

“Despite the claims of Vice President Kamala Harris that there are no U.S. troops in active combat zones today, many remain deployed abroad in dangerous and unsustainable positions across the world. This includes both Iraq and Syria. The United States and Iraq, however, have apparently reached a deal to begin the removal of 2,500 U.S. forces still stationed in that country. Staged over the course of 2025 and to conclude in 2026, the plan would, if successful, put an end to the U.S. military presence in a nation where many of the internal problems have a direct relationship to the invasion of 2003. … There is no excuse for risking the lives of American servicemen in what is increasingly a series of failed interventions passed from one generation to another.” (09/16/24)