It’s Also “Disinformation” When Our Government Does It

Source: Ludwig von Mises Institute
by Connor O’Keeffe

“In recent weeks, there have been a series of stories about the government cracking down on foreign agents allegedly working to influence the 2024 election. First, the intelligence community linked the Iranian government to a hacking of Trump campaign documents. Then the federal government seized several websites it claims were linked to a Russian campaign to circulate disinformation—meaning deliberately spread false information. The biggest story came last week when two employees of the Russian media organization RT — formerly Russia Today — were indicted for allegedly sending nearly $10 million to a Tennessee-based online media company. US officials claim the scheme aimed to inject Russian government messaging across social media using conservative influencers. … Obviously, our government conducts the exact kind of influence campaigns they demonize these foreign regimes for carrying out here.” (09/11/24)