The Unexpected Relief of Politics-As-Usual

Source: Persuasion
by Sam Kahn

“The overall feeling of tonight’s debate is of having been stuck in a traffic jam forever and finally picking up speed again — regaining politics-as-usual. The debate was perfectly professional, mean-spirited, featuring what Kamala Harris called ‘the same old tired playbook’ — a set of locked-in talking points with in many cases little resemblance to any recognizable reality. What a relief. Like hearing a pop song that used to drive you crazy but triggers a certain nostalgia when it comes back on the radio. What comes back, also, is the lost art of debate point-counting. The Trump-Biden debate was the sort of knockout in which Trump seemed to be making an effort at times to keep his opponent upright. In this debate, at least in the early going, the candidates were trading actual blows.” (09/10/24)