A Federal Prosecution in Florida Is Keeping Us Safe from the Russkies

Source: Future of Freedom Foundation
by Jacob G Hornberger

“If you have been pacing the floor over the possibility that the Russkies are trying to influence your vote in the 2024 elections, you can sleep well tonight. That’s because the feds are currently prosecuting four members of the African People’s Socialist Party in a trial in federal district court in Tampa. What is the African People’s Socialist Party? Good question! I certainly had never heard of them, and I’m willing to bet that neither have you. It turns out that they are a small, obscure group of Americans who have been advocating socialism for around 50 years. … So, why are the feds going after these people? To keep us safe, of course! The feds are saying that the defendants are serving as a conduit for the Russian government to ‘influence’ the 2024 election.” (09/05/24)
