Demagoguery is the Midwife of Moral Panic; Credulity is its Mother

Source: Garrison Center
by Thomas L Knapp

“Fearful people are more likely to support politicians who pose as their savior — even if their fears are completely unfounded, and even if those politicians were the ones who scared them in the first place. Where you find fear, you’re likely to find lies as well. Why? Because lying to you is easier for a politician than discovering you’ve been lied to is for you. Most people want to believe what they’re told, especially by those who claim to support and defend their interests. Many of those people, once lied to, close their minds to the possibility that they HAVE been lied to, no matter the actual evidence. And both groups, are, in different measure, more likely to support the politician who lied to them … because they’re afraid, and believe that politician can and will ‘save’ them.” (09/05/24)