US regime court sentences former Honduras president Hernandez for 45 years on drugs charges

Source: South China Morning Post [Hong Kong]

“A court in New York on Wednesday sentenced former Honduran president Juan Orlando Hernandez to 45 years in prison after he was convicted of trafficking hundreds of tonnes of cocaine into the United States. Anti-Hernandez protesters gathered outside the Manhattan courthouse ahead of sentencing brandishing placards decrying the former head of state’s crimes. ‘The role of Mr Hernandez was to use his political power as president of Congress and president of Honduras to limit the risks of drug traffickers in exchange of money,’ said judge Kevin Castel. Castel said that Hernandez provided police and military support and helped to send 360 tonnes (400 tons) of drugs worth US$10 billion at market prices to the United States.” [editor’s note: The US Constitution requires trials to be held “by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed.” Honduras is not a US state – TLK] (06/26/24)