We Know the Debate Is Total Bullshit, but We’ll Watch Anyway

Source: The Daily Beast
by Michael Ian Black

“Let’s get one thing straight. It’s not a debate. It’s a television show featuring two old dudes bragging about themselves and putting down the other guy. It’s Statler and Waldorf from The Muppet Show. From this pointless staged spectacle, we’re supposed to … what, exactly? Whose mind is getting changed by watching 90 minutes of this bullshit? It’s a rhetorical question but I’ll answer, anyway: nobody. The fact is, if you don’t know who you’re voting for at this point, you’re a moron. … Is it going to be entertaining, at least? Possibly. The gaffe police will certainly be out in full force. Trump may talk about getting eaten by sharks. Biden may say ‘malarkey.’ Maybe a fly will land on one of their heads and we can talk about that for the next six months. But its actual value for Americans is next to nil.” (06/26/24)
