Boeing Will Either Face or Not Face Accountability

Source: The American Prospect
by David Dayen

“Boeing either may or may not be prosecuted for violating the terms of a settlement agreement in 2021 involving its 737 MAX planes. That’s my informed perspective after reading elite media reports. If you read The New York Times, you’d learn that the Justice Department is ‘considering’ another deferred prosecution agreement to replace the last deferred prosecution agreement. It could install a federal monitor to oversee Boeing’s manufacturing processes, but it would sidestep a lawsuit as ‘too legally risky.’ If you read Reuters, you’d learn that actually, prosecutors working on the case have recommended criminal charges to senior Justice Department leadership. These can both be correct. The prosecutors could recommend criminal prosecution for violating the settlement agreement (after all, that’s the by-the-book response to such a violation) while the leadership could decline the recommendation and instead move to a settlement again.” (06/24/24)