IN: Resident shoots home intruder

Source: Fox 59 News

“It was at 4 a.m., two hours before Sunday’s dawn, when Darrell Gibbs was awakened by the sound of six to eight gunshots that were fired out of the back of his house, which is located in the 800 block of Denison Street on the southwest side of Indianapolis. … Three armed and masked men had been trying to kick in Gibbs’[s] back door. … Gibbs said his son told him that he traded gunfire with a man in the backyard. ‘I see the intruder laying here on the ground, and he wanted me to make a call for him, and ‘You know me, you know me,’’ Gibbs said of what the wounded man told him. … Gibbs’[s] son eventually identified the intruder as a family member. … ‘It was little Matt, my nephew’s son.’ … As of this article’s publication, [Matthew] Kinnaird, who had been shot previously in 2020, remained hospitalized.” (06/23/24)