Has America lost its moral compass?

Source: The Hill
by Tara D Sonenshine

“Writing about morality in 2024 is risky business — especially in less than 800 words. Any subject encompassing religion, belief systems, norms and the titanic struggle between good and evil is inherently fraught. But at a time when democracy is under assault, authoritarianism is on the rise, and people are torn apart by conflict, we must ask: Are Americans ‘good’ people? What is ‘good?’ Who sets our moral code? … There are multiple theories on how morality is determined — from above, as in God; from below, as in individuals; through systems of governance and law, policy or legislation; or via cultural norms and customs. As we think about our own morality and mortality, it is useful to look at countries whose systems we oppose.” (06/20/24)
