Marco Rubio’s (and the GOP’s) Free Trade Flip-Flop

Source: The Bulwark
by Joe Perticone

“The GOP was once an ideological party committed to the doctrines of free trade, free markets, and tax cuts. Do you remember those days? It can be hard to bring them to mind now following years of Republicans dumping out their party’s principles in favor of packing in right-wing populist vibes. This is evident in the ways Republicans have either embraced or completely ignored Trump’s wide-ranging, China-targeting tariffs plan. Even during Trump’s presidency, Republican lawmakers were often vocal in their opposition to his administration’s tariff policies. … But now, six years later, most Republicans on Capitol Hill think it’s best to just pretend all that stuff never happened and embrace the exact policy they formerly condemned as detrimental to the American economy and the working class. The person who best illustrates the speed with which a motivated politician can run back a disfavored belief is Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.).” (06/18/24)