Kevin Spacey deserves a comeback

Source: spiked
by John Mac Ghlionn

“Whatever you think of Spacey, the fact remains that he has never been found guilty of any crime. Since 2017, when the first allegations of sexual assault against him emerged, several civil and criminal prosecutions were launched in the US and UK. In every case, Spacey was either exonerated by the jury – sometimes unanimously – or the charges against him were dropped. Yet media outlets continue to tar Spacey with the same brush as those who have been convicted in a court of law. … We claim to value rehabilitation and second chances, yet we have denied this to a man who remains innocent in the eyes of the law. It’s time to ask ourselves: are we willing to continue down this path of relentless judgement, or can we find it within ourselves to allow Spacey to get on with his life?” (06/17/24)