Behold The World Gently

Source: Caitlin Johnstone, Rogue Journalist
by Caitlin Johnstone

“The dead children don’t affect me like they used to. The images. The videos. They still disturb and horrify, but not like they did in the beginning. Not anywhere close. And, honestly, I hate it. I hate that that part of me has been stolen. As much as I hated having my heart kicked around all day and having nightmares all night, I’d rather have that than this decreased sensitivity. People should not become desensitized to such horrors. People should not become accustomed to decapitated babies and small, mangled bodies. To corpses run over by tanks. To body parts carried in plastic bags by loved ones. These things should jar you. They should rattle you to your core. But they don’t anymore.” (06/14/24)