Hong Kong: Beijing puppet regime cancels passports of six pro-democracy activists who fled to UK

Source: France 24 [French state media]

“The Hong Kong government said Wednesday it has cancelled the passports of six democracy activists who fled to the United Kingdom, calling them ‘lawless wanted criminals.’ Hong Kong last year issued HK$1 million ($128,000) bounties for 13 activists based abroad who authorities accused of committing national security [sic] crimes. The six named Wednesday — all on the bounty list — are considered ‘lawless wanted criminals … hiding in the United Kingdom,’ a government spokesperson said in a statement. … Hong Kong officials cited a national security [sic] law passed in March as the legal basis for cancelling their passports. Police added that anyone offering funds, leasing property or running a business with those named could face up to seven years in jail.” (06/12/24)
